You will probably do well in this course if you put in enough time and effort.
Letter grades will be on a 10-point scale as shown to the right. Note that this is a non-standard grading scale.
Throughout the semester you can view your past due WebAssignments at any time to see what your score was and to see an answer key for any assignment.
At the end of the semester when final grades are assigned, +/- grading will be used.
In accord with University policy, IN grades will be given only in cases where most of the work in the course has been completed and the student's work is interrupted so as to make it impossible to finish the semester on schedule.
There are no dropped test grades or homework grades in this class. Nor is there any rounding of grades. An 89.9 is a B+. An average of 90.1 is an A-.
Each test is worth ... how much? Are you looking for the answer to the question on the introductory assignment asking you how much each test is worth? Well, this is your first math problem of the semester! As shown in the box on the right, the average of the 3 tests is 39% of the final grade. That means that each individual test is worth 39/3 = 13% of your final grade.