Test #1 Begins on Friday, Jan. 30

There are several things you can do to prepare for Test #1. Be aware of the parking situation on campus. To use the parking deck on Centennial Campus for taking this test, use the parking code found in your WebAssign Announcements. And of course you'll want to check out the location of test facilities.

For students with disabilities, you have most likely clarified your disability status with DSO. Remember that if you have applied for disability status, you still have to request accommodations for the specific classes for which you want accommodations to be available. Or to put it another way, if you haven't contacted me directly then accommodations will not be provided for MA 114 testing.

And finally, there's the sample test that is already available to you (password = "sampletest"). For your real test, the proctor at the DE Proctoring Center will enter your password once you have presented and ID and requested a seat. But for the sample test you enter your own ID. Otherwise, the sample test works just like the real test will work. A limit of three submissions for each question part, and a 75-minute time limit.

Tuesday, January  27, 2015