
WebAssign is an online program that is used for all the homework, tests, and the final exam in this course.  To access WebAssign use the link in the side bar on the right side of the page.  You will log in using your Cengage account credentials.

The following google doc has been created to help you use WebAssign for math classes at NCSU:
Using WebAssign for NCSU Math Classes

Getting Started with WebAssign

Some important notes as you get started with WebAssign in this course:

  • Your WebAssign homework assignments will become available to you early in the morning on the first day of the semester. On that date you will be sent the class key via email and can use it to add yourself to the WebAssign roster.
  • If this is the first time that you have ever used WebAssign you will be asked to create a Cengage account because Cengage owns and operates WebAssign.  For best results, use your NCSU email address when creating this account. 
  • For the first 14 days of the course you will be able to use WebAssign for free, but you will eventually need to pay to continue using it. You can do this online via WebAssign after logging in.
  • You will likely be offered the option to purchase Cengage Unlimited.  Unless you are taking other classes that use WebAssign or other Cengage products this semester, this is a very expensive and unnecessary upgrade.  You can get everything you need for this course at the "homework only" price ($27.95).  This price includes your homework, tests, and final exam. Remember that the ebook can be downloaded for free at the course website.  If you are taking other courses that use WebAssign or other Cengage products and the total price of those courses will end up being greater than the price of Cengage Unlimited (generally about $125 for one semester), then CU will save you money and is recommended.  If you have any questions about this please ask Jenn and she will be happy to help you.
  • If you add the class late, email Jenn and she will give you the class key so that you can add yourself to the WebAssign roster (as well as forwarding you any other emails you might have missed).

Homework is Important!

There are approximately 60 WebAssign homework assignments during the semester.  There will be multiple homework assignments due each week. Doing these assignments on time is essential to your success in the course.  Your WebAssign homework average will make up 37% of your final grade.


You can submit each homework assignment many, many times (up to 50 times per answer blank!). Your last submission determines your grade on the assignment.

The number of submissions you are allowed on the tests and the final exam are greatly reduced.  You may submit each answer blank on a test/exam up to THREE times (as opposed to 50 for homework assignments).  Before the first test you will be offered the chance to try out an optional "Sample Test" to experience how the limited submissions work, what the timer will look like, and other things that you may be interested in experiencing before you are in the testing center for the first time.   We strongly suggest that you make use of this optional resource so that there are no surprises or confusion about how submissions work on the tests.

Due Dates

In this class, all homework assignments are available to you on Day 1.  The only assignments you won't see at first are the tests and the final exam.

The due dates given in WebAssign are the "hard due dates" and should be considered your last chance to turn in an assignment for full credit.  For best results you should be working well ahead of these hard due dates.  In many cases there will be multiple homework assignments due on a single day, but if you wait until that day to begin working on the assignments you will run out of time.   Additionally, if you need to ask for help or get assistance of any sort you will need to be working far enough ahead of the hard due dates to allow for this.

To prevent procrastination, we have a standing rule that neither the teacher nor the teaching assistant will provide help with homework on the day that the homework is due.  


If an assignment is less than two weeks past due, you can request an "automatic" extension on the assignment.  Some things to note:
  • An automatic extension is an extension that WebAssign will grant you automatically without requiring anyone's permission.
  • You can take up to two automatic extensions on each assignment.
  • An extension will allow you up to 48 additional hours to work on the assignment, starting immediately after you put in the request.  (Extensions end 48 hours after the request OR two weeks after the hard due date, whichever comes first.)
  • If you partially completed the assignment before taking the extension, you will still get full credit for any work done before the hard due date.  That is, you will never lose credit for correct answers submitted before the original due date.
  • You will receive 75% credit for any additional answers you get correct during the extension period.

To get an automatic extension on a past-due assignment, click the Past Assignments link on your home page in WebAssign. Then click the "Request Extension" link for the assignment for which you need an extension.  If it asks if you want to take a "Manual" or "Automatic" extension, make sure that you choose "Automatic."  Once you do this you'll be provided with some more information and a button to click to confirm that you are requesting the extension.

(Note: The new student view has been recently updated and it looks different than what is shown in the image to the right, but the "Past Assignments" button is located generally in the same place.)

Getting Help with WebAssign Homework

To prevent procrastination, we have a standing rule that neither the teacher nor the teaching assistant will provide help with homework on the day that the homework is due.  

Ask Your Teacher
The easiest way to get homework help is to use the WebAssign feature called "Ask Your Teacher" which can be linked to while working on any homework problem. When you use this feature all the important info about which assignment you are working on, which problem you are working on, and even what answers you've previously submitted will be delivered directly to the instructor and/or Jenn.  Either the instructor or Jenn will respond to you and this response can be found within WebAssign.  You can expect a response within 24 hours (or maybe a bit longer if it is the weekend or a holiday). If you turn on WebAssign email notifications you will get an email alerting you when the response arrives.

You may also email Jenn directly if you choose.  Email is often useful if you wish to include a screenshot or other attachments (which "Ask Your Teacher" does not allow).  Remember that if you utilize email you need to make sure that you include important information such as your name, which assignment and question number you are working on, and any other important details. You can expect a response within 24 hours (or maybe a bit longer if it is the weekend or a holiday).

On-Campus Tutoring
The Math Multimedia Center generally has tutoring in both in person and online formats.

For more information, please visit http://go.ncsu.edu/mmc

Remember that this tutoring center in SAS 2105 is available on a walk in, first come first serve basis. No appointments are required for undergraduate level math courses. Students should look at the online schedule for the most up to date availability for tutors. 

While most students taking this course find the amount of help and support provided by the instructor and Jenn are more than sufficient, some students feel more comfortable if they have their own personal math tutor. There are several on-campus tutoring services that you may find helpful if you think that you'll need extensive tutoring or assistance with the course material.  Please note that Finite Math is a topic that many tutors may not be extremely familiar with.  Therefore, we definitely advise signing up early for these programs and/or figuring out which of the tutors who offer free walk-in services or paid services know the subject matter.  Below are some links that you can use if you are interested in getting a tutor.


If you own and already know how to use a graphing calculator you are welcome to use it for this class (including on tests and the final exam).  However, you do not need to own or buy any particular calculator to succeed in this course.

In this course there are four free online tools that are approved for use during the tests and final exam.   These four tools (Row Operations Tool, Matrix Tool, WolframAlpha, and Desmos Graphing Calculator) are all linked to under the Important Links in the side bar on the right side of the page.  Links to these tools will also be at the top of all three tests and the final exam so that you can link to them directly at the testing center.  

While only these four tools are allowed on the tests and final exam, you are welcome to utilize any websites that you like when completing your homework assignments.